Saturday, September 15, 2007
Month #1 as a Junior

ACCT2060-G Managerial Accounting M W 08/27-12/15/07 04:00 pm-05:15 pm Hale Center 303 **

ELIT1060-B Reading Literature: Myths T R 08/27-12/15/07 03:30 pm-04:45 pm Hale Center 105 **

SOCI2320-A Contemporary Amer Social Prob T R 08/27-12/15/07 02:00 pm-03:15 pm Hale Center 106 **

SPMG3402-C2 Sport Promotions/Marketing W 08/27-12/15/07 06:00 pm-08:50 pm Hale Center 202 **

MARK4265-D Technology Topics and Issues T 08/27-12/15/07 06:00 pm-08:50 pm Hale Center 209 **
Traffic Light SPMG1311-A Commercial Sport T R 08/27-12/15/07 11:00 am-12:15 pm Hale Center 106 **
So that is my schedule for this semester. I'm kinda busy between
that and working on the intramural staff. I may find time here and
there to post on this though.

Well, I'm getting sick i think which stinks and I need to get to sleep
but I didn't want to put this off much more.

Whats new?
*I live in an apartment with a couple friend in Bellvue which is a little
far off campus than what I'd like. I plan on moving closer next semester.
*Mom made a nice investment and got Buie's teeth cleaned.
*Steeler season starting which means fantasy football is up and running
which was very fun week 1
*I instant messaged our good friend JuJubee and I got a response of "Who is this"
and my screen name basically says my name so I'm feeling pretty crappy about that.

posted by Buie at 1:43 AM | Permalink |


  • At 9:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Remember: Jenny is blonde.

  • At 11:18 PM, Blogger One Wink at a Time

    Schedule looks interesting... You have Friday thru most of Monday free to come visit me. Tuesday and Thursday look like killers. I'll be glad to take your Lit-Myth classes, tho'. That sounds interesting and about the only thing I would be able to comprehend.
    In Ju's defense, I believe there are two A.s in your family and that could easily account for the confusion. She told me of your conversation. I loved your butterfly comment ;-)

    Hugs to you.

    Oh yeah, I just got over the cold/flu thing, was miserable. Take good care. Suck down the NyQuil, that was the only way I could stop coughing long enough to sleep. Other than that, kiss up to someone who can make you some chicken soup.

  • At 10:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Ok, well...yes she IS BLONDE, but in my defense, there are TWO people that could legitimately use your screenname, so I was just trying to determine WHICH one it was. SO SUE ME.