Thursday, December 14, 2006
Got through finals easily i guess. Now im off for like 3 weeks.
Dunno what ill do with myself in that time but im sure it will
be boring and useless.

On the agenda:
Friday: possibly a penguin game. Woo go pens.
Weekend: possibly Philadelphia with my friend Frank
-All of that is up in the air because my plans are never set in
stone for some odd reason.

Im stealing this game.
*answer these questions uniquely

1. If you were a crayola crayon. What color would you be.
2. Pet peeve?
3. Animal?
4. Fear?
5. Scent?
posted by Buie at 8:42 PM | Permalink |


  • At 9:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Can't really be too original...

    1. If you were a crayola crayon. What color would you be....Red
    2. Pet peeve...people who judge others
    3. Animal...white mutts
    4. wrecks
    5. Scent...petunias

  • At 5:37 PM, Blogger One Wink at a Time

    1. If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be? Aquamarine
    2. Pet peeve? It could just be me, but anything (and I mean ANYthing) that can go wrong with a computer ends up in front of me.
    3. Animal? If you mean my favorite animal, that would be chimpanzees.If you mean what animal I would choose to be, I think a lioness.
    4. Fear? Dying slowly.
    5. Scent? Wow, there are so many. I guess freshly washed sheets dried on the clothesline.

    Tell us your answers too, Bu.