OK, so i decided there is too much to go along with this blogging, so untill i get comfortable with it, my site will be nice and lame. Is there an easy way to put others blogs at the side of my blog (I.E. JuJu's site) to symobolize that I'm cool and i actually do have friends in the blogging world.
ANYWAY, I took the weekend easy because it was Halloween Weekend and i already had my fun, enough for a couple weekends, so i sat aroud and watched the Steelers hopes of a repeat slip away (IN MIDSEASON)....how depressing. Buie's father is in France, its gotta be a better experience than China, so im still waiting on words of his travel from MOM.
Next weekend I may go visit Molson and the brother if i get bored. RMU dies during the weekend sometimes. Speaking of school, i did end up with like a 3.3 for midterms which is pretty good considering im taking Stats Calc and Accounting (Math is my worst subject) not to mention my 18 credit semester.
Thanksgiving is approaching (my favorite Holiday) ... I think it would be awesome if we got the entire family together and had a big day. I know its hard but we all know it would be fun. I dont know everyones contacts so im useless in this process.
that is all. enjoy.